Ceres Business Initiative Member Details

Riding Watt Professional Land Serveyors

Riding & Watt is a firm of Professional Land Surveyors specializing in cadastral surveys and the provision of information and plans (digital and hardcopy) on all land matters, using up-to-date technology in the production thereof. Our clients expect us to provide fast and accurate data. We do this by the integration of our databases with information from the Deeds Offices, the Surveyors-General and the Chief-Director of Surveys & Mapping. Riding & Watt’s expertise in and extensive knowledge of the surveying business ensures that clients receive the best possible service. Our firm is a continuation of over 100 years land surveying services in our area (Worcester, Tulbagh, Ceres, Prince Alfred’s Hamlet, the Koue Bokkeveld region, the Tanqua Karoo and the Swartland, Saldanha, Cederberg, Bergrivier and Hantam municipal areas).

Contact Information

18 Bergsig Street, Ceres, 6835